Young Ronald Reagan out in the carriage with those young ladies. A beautiful, sunny day, and all of them laughing with carefree ease. It is good to see him back in the days of his youth, because I remember him as President as a pretty serious guy.
"Semi" serious. Reagan had a fabulous wit and sense of humor. There was a best-selling video of his hilarious remarks as President. It was called "Stand Up Reagan." and it's a SCREAM. No President could do a one-liner better than Reagan. He destroyed BOTH Jimmy Carter, AND Walter Mondale with one. Remember the famous "there you go again?" Ended Carter's Presidency with THAT doozy. Thank God.
He was a great speaker. I like his movies. I especially like "She's Working Her Way Through College". I also like "Bedtime for Bonzo". Politically, we were on opposite sides of the fence. I know he had a great sense of humor, though. Thank you for writing.
He was a great speaker, a great President, and most importantly, a great MAN. He loved people, period, and everybody felt it, even if they disagreed with him. Tip O'Neill, the Democrat Speaker of the House, and his arch rival, always told him "I love you, pal." Tip AND Ted Kennedy, both said he was a great President, and they were polar opposite of him politically. Reagan had a great sense of humor, but what was more important, was that HE LAUGHED AT HIMSELF. Not many politicians do.
Nothing showed how much he was thought of by the heart of America than seeing how VERY many people showed up just to view the casket and watch him pass by them one last time when he passed away. I would venture to say few presidents' deaths (except perhaps Kennedy, FDR) have produced such outpouring of emotion. I vaguely remember the funerals of LBJ, Nixon, Truman, Ford...nothing like Reagan's.
I didn't see all of his funeral as I was at work, but I saw in the evening when his casket arrived out in California. I will never forget how Nancy cried and stroked the varnished wood of the casket. I cried and sobbed uncontrollably at that. Thank heavens my husband wasn't home...
I just want to commend you for being so polite and positive, even though you don't agree political with Reagan you are able to admire and enjoy his work. I guess after seeing so many of these threads explode into political tirades it's just nice to see one where people are still being respectful of differences...and polite. :)
I guess I am that one to break the bubble. Ronnie Reagan was so serious because he had alzheimers and had to concentrate on what his wife was whispering to him in the background when he made his speeches.