Compare actors in this movie to people today
Many of the actors in this movie were Teutonic. They came from a strong German heritage, but escaped their countries in Eastern Europe, because the Nazi's and Brown Shirt's were terrorists. Many took roles showing their distaste for the Germans. Even more heroic were those actors with the East European accents to take the roles of German officers or leaders. Can you imagine how much they were hated for doing this. All people of German descent were already despised in America, even though they were established here and had a network of friends. Can you imagine how much more the hatred and vitriol for them if seen around town? I would think that just by going into restaurants, people would spit into their food.
Today, there are segments of Muslims who talk about Annihilating America. I feel bad, because a lot of Muslims here are now hated even though they have done nothing wrong. However, are any American Muslims or Mosques making headlines putting down this segment of Muslims who hate America. Even more ridiculous are the blacks whose ancestors were enslaved and sold to America, now want to be the Nation of Islam. Are any of these people, putting down the actions of the Muslim terrorists?
Another thought are the illegal aliens and worse yet the Mexican Drug Cartel that rape 80% of the women they escort in illegally. Are there any legal Mexicans standing up saying that this is not right?
Is it me and people are doing it? Or is it that I don't know, because the media is not reporting it?