The problems of two little people,.,.
Casablanca has easily been my overall favorite film for many, many years now. Like others here I don't tire of it or fear doing so, & often pick up a new nuance or interpretation every time I see it. It's the prime example of how all of the pieces of the collaborative insanity of filmmaking in the studio system just somehow came together into something as close to perfection as humanely possible.
Don't mind the gaffes--the foolishness of letters (signed by DeGaulle & not the Marshall?!?) that can't be rescinded with a phone call or telex, or Lazlo working Casablanca in an ice cream suit despite the dubious protection of French authorities, etc…
Yet, yet … when Rick tells Ilsa that the problems of two little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy mixed up world … that's the only line that makes me wince slightly, that I wish wasn't in the film, because it seems that Rick is the one who forgot that, not Ilsa. Telling her that she'll eventually realize that comes off as unbearably condescending & inappropriate.
It's the only wrong note in what's otherwise a symphony of cinematic perfection.