75 years ago on this date
Casablanca premiered and the rest is just history.
A top 5 film of all time easily.
Casablanca premiered and the rest is just history.
A top 5 film of all time easily.
It's 75 years since the film's 'today' It's December nineteen-forty-one in Casablanca. What's the time in New York? - that's why Rick says 'I bet they're asleep in New York. I bet they're asleep all over America'.
You will have to wait almost a year to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the film - maybe even two more months. There seems to be two US release dates - 26 November 1942 and 23 January 1943. I have once heard or read why, but I don't remember that.
Top five in my opinion as well.
Though I doubt young audiences today would appreciate it as much as a more mature one. Kids seem to have no interest in WWII and all the amazing dramatic films from that period.