Much has been made of the many errors in history in this movie and there are many. Custer was a hero to most well into the 20th century, It wasn't until the 70's or later that the truth started to come out. Part of it was the respect of the media for Libbie, they decided that they would let the story lie until after her death. The biggest problem with that was she outlived them all. She died only a few years before this movie came out and there was no rush to look at the facts. It wasn't until the mid 70's when a major fire burned off all of the grass and bushes at Little Big Horn, It was then they could map out the positioning of the troops and the Warriors. One of the funniest part of the move was the reason they needed to get rid of Custer, they wanted to build a rail line to the Black hills, a rocky largely deserted place only populated by Indians, that made no sense what so ever.