Granted... we all agree that there is very little historical accuracy in this film.
But I found it to be remarkably sympathetic towards the Indian's plight and betrayal by the US Government, especially during a time when Indians were always portrayed as savages... and especially during a time of war.
Crazy Horse was protecting his people and his land from invasion... he made an honorable deal with the US which was broken.
And the Government/Big business conspiracy was something you rarely saw until the more cynical 60s and 70s.
I think this is one of great Errol Flynn movies ever, historical inaccuracies and all.
I agree. It was the first cowboys and Indians film that I saw as a kid that took a sympathetic look at the Indians. I first saw this movie in the mid sixties, before movies like Little Big Man or Dances With Wolves dared portray the Indians as anything but blood thirsty savages. A great flick, one that EF really seemed to take to heart. On a different note, I wish he had married ODH and settled down instead of fading away the way he did.
" ... dared portray the Indians as anything but blood thirsty savages."
That seems to be the conventional wisdom. However, I can think of very few movies, pre-sixties, that didn't portray Indians as respected and/or dignified enemy combatants.
only if the future bodes the same as the past - a pathetic attempt to expunge the white man's guilt and shame, and make him look far more noble than he really was.
Hmmm . . . only a racist could believe that "guilt and shame" can be transmuted from an individual's responsibility into a kind of collective or inherited sin. Ie., there is no "white man's guilt and shame" any more than there's a Jewish man's guilt and shame. I'd hoped we'd learned that lesson 60 years ago. But -- alas.
Btw, EVERYONE "tries" to make himself "look more noble" than he really is. You too, I suspect -- as is discernible from your post.
Not a racist, especially since I'm white myself, but someone who is well aware of the phenomenon of the angry white male - the type who needs racist, sexist fantasies like They Died With Their Boots on to prop up his fragile white-male ego. It is the white male, historically, who trumpeted the notion of collective racial/gender virtues and sins in the 19th and 20th centuries. Hollywood certainly did its part to keep that going. It is to that concerted propaganda effort that I was referring.
White men whose masculinities don't need constant boosting and who reject narcissistic fantasies of the white race as the master race have little patience for childish and offensive drivel like They Died With Their Boots On.
"... but someone who is well aware of the phenomenon of the angry white male ..."
Yeah, me too. Thank goodness neither you nor I fit into that category! WE are among the, what did you call it, the "noble" ones above that sort of thing and, thus, superior to our more provincial kinsmen. Are you similarly aware of the phenomenon of the angry black male? Or, of the angry white female? Or, of the angry middle eastern male? Or, of the angry Oriental male/female, etc., etc.? There are myriad examples of each, so I suspect you don't want a list. The sins you're so indignant about are "universal" sins. (Name a country, community, or any individual ethnic group in which such notions have not existed in some of their members at one time or another.) You seem, however, sadly selective in your particular outrage (not an uncommon attitude today, even as it was fashionable in the 20's and 30's but with a different set of motivations behind the self-same generalities: "They're" the root of our problems - "they're" the "bad guys"). Which, if you'll pardon me, is one of the phenomena abetting the continuation of such reprehensible attitudes AND their associated prejudices. A polite but emphatic - "shame on you".
"... the type who needs racist, sexist fantasies like They Died With Their Boots on to prop up his fragile white-male ego."
Yup. Aware of them, too. (Hard to "prop up" ANY of my fantasies sittin' in front of a computer screen talkin' to someone on the IMDB movie boards. I mean, where the hell else am I to go but to Hollywood?) Also, aware of many more of those who don't. I suppose you, however, consider yourself among the latter. Well again, me too I guess. Damn good action flick, though, don't you think? I especially like Custer's plea (not historically accurate though, I think) about protecting the Indians' right to live in peace on their own land. Doesn't sound consistent, I admit, with the obvious racist attitudes you have ascribed to the producers of the film. Just a misunderstanding, I suppose, among themselves about what it is they're "supposed" to be "propagandizing" about . . . no?
"It is the white male, historically, who trumpeted the notion of collective racial/gender virtues and sins of the 19th and 20th centuries."
Hmmm. Not really -- and certainly not exclusively. Wasn't it Senator Moynihan who once said, "You're entitled to your own opinion but you're not entitled to your own facts."?
During the 19th century, more caucasions were enslaved by non-caucasians in North Africa and for a longer period of time than there were blacks enslaved by whites in the American South prior to the Civil War. Black on black slavery in Africa goes back to pre-historic times. Islamists have, for seven hundred years (and continuing), oppressed, beaten and abused half their population (females) and consider it a right and a virtue of the male to do so (we won't even talk about the infidels). Untouchables still suffer in Hindu states throughout southern Asia, and the Japanese have little good to say about occidentals and blacks since (and prior to) WWII -- had to stay at "special" hotels, etc. didn't they? Really, I could go on and on, but you get the idea -- it's a "universal" sin.
"White men whose masculinities don't need constant boosting and who reject narcissistic fantasies of the white race as the master race have little patience for childish and offensive drivel like They Died With Their Boots On."
Lucky WE'RE not like those others, huh?! (Perhaps it's a little of that noblesse oblige you decry in your earlier post?) Come to think of it, I don't even KNOW anybody like that! Do you? If you do -- get away from them quick! Still . . . TDWTBO's a damn good action flick. Ahhh . . . so what's the recommended punishment for liking a "childish and offensive" picture -- two weeks in a small room with a big screen TV, a Michael Moore documentary(?) and no "off" button? . . . Whew!!
Would we be correct in summing up your point of view as: White male bad - everyone else good?
Charming. Another intellect. I see that this movie, like cwente, attracts the fans it deserves. Like vinidici you must have realized that if you stay mute you're only half a fool, whereas if you talk you're a whole fool. So good on you both for cutting your losses.
Ya mean we've lost the debate?! Wow!! Well . . . thanks for letting us know. By the by, if you'd be good enough to introduce us to the judges, I think we'd like to ask for a recount.
You may be somewhat pleased to know that I don't particularly like any movie that turns actual history inside out, although I don't share many other of the same reasons as you for my own lukewarmness toward this picture.
Sludging through your pseudo-clever barbs and the kind of insults for which only a second grader would have cause to take umbrage (I merely laugh derisively at your self-congratulatory come-backs), and going against my grain to get further involved therein (like the proverbial elephant who can't be content with just one peanut), I proffer my observation that your "angry white male" fantasy has absolute zero to do with the mindset of either the filmmakers or the original audiences of this picture, generated by the Hollywood "dream factory" during a time of world war. While I wouldn't number TDWTBO among my own top picks, I can see where it served its purpose as "legendized" history (see just about any movie treatment of Jesse James), entertainment, and especially as "preparedness propaganda" for a nation soon to throw its hat in the ring and oppose Nazi Germany and militant/conquest-oriented Japan.
Well, if you can't do any better than that, don't be discouraged, vinidici. Higher order thinking skills don't really kick in until after middle school anyway.
Hey, I'm mostly just a spectator here, sjg, but I've encountered the kind of self-righteous, hand-wringing tripe such as you've expressed here countless times in the past and, consequently, know it for the politically correct (so-called!) garbage it is.
I like cheering on someone else who stands up to the gas that's spouted by you and your dime-a-dozen PC ilk, so sue me. I can join the fray if you like (and whenever I feel like it), but I think cwente's doing a good enough job countering your sophomoric, verbal maneuvers, thank you very much. Besides, I like being lazy and letting someone else (like cwente) do the sullying-his-hands part with cookie-cutter, left-of-Bill Maher-types such as (*cough, cough*) "Present Company."
On another note, being the conciliatory guy I am, I'd certainly agree that TBWTBO is no more historically accurate than "Inglorious Basterds" (well, maybe a LITTLE more; at least Custer and his men actually DID die in the movie like they did in real life, whereas the latter film depicts a premature death of the entire German high command!). I personally like Richard Mulligan's take on Custer in "Little Big Man" and suspect it wasn't too far removed from the truth.
Hmmm . . . only a racist could believe that "guilt and shame" can be transmuted from an individual's responsibility into a kind of collective or inherited sin. Ie., there is no "white man's guilt and shame" any more than there's a Jewish man's guilt and shame. I'd hoped we'd learned that lesson 60 years ago. But -- alas.
Did you mean to say "Israeli man’s guilt" and "Jewish man’s shame"? For both of these phenomena are not a matter of opinion, but of demonstrable fact. As for which side of the divide racists stand on this question, that too, is quite clear, but more on that at a later date.
“Sixty years” -- have you really been hiding under a rock that long? Much has changed in the interim, for the better, too. You ought to look into it. And before you insist that you have, suppose you tell me what political or other damage is done when feelings of collective guilt are aroused?
Btw, EVERYONE "tries" to make himself "look more noble" than he really is. You too, I suspect -- as is discernible from your post.
How can you tell the difference between someone taking a principled stand and someone trying to look more noble than he really is?
WE are among the, what did you call it, the "noble" ones
What did I call it? ^__^. I didn’t refer to myself or anyone else as “noble ones” and you know it. My reference was to mythmaking films like Boots which seek to glorify America and the white race and to expunge the nation’s guilt.
Are you similarly aware of the phenomenon of the angry black male? Or, of the angry white female? Or, of the angry middle eastern male? Or, of the angry Oriental male/female, etc., etc.?
None of these groups operate on the assumption that there is a natural Social Darwinist hierarchy that places them, by birthright, at the top of a socio-political-economic hierarchy with whites and males occupying the bottom rungs. None have created a racist or genderist mythology to buttress that claim. None of them are angry at their recent racial demotion, so to speak. To the extent that Middle Eastern Muslims chafe at the demise of the Islamic Golden Age, however, it is in direct response to the ascent of Western imperialism. Japan's 20th century experiment with Social Darwinism and imperialism in Asia was another example of reaction -- and mimicry.
What’s more, the mere existence of a chauvinistic mythology in another country doesn’t absolve people of the moral responsibility to confront their own mythologies and their own nation’s wrongs. If Japan censors its textbooks, does that mean that Germany should too? If Russia glorifies its subjugation of Siberia, does that give us carte blanche to do the same?
To clarify a term that clearly got your hackles up, the angry white male, rest assured that most white males today are not angry. The educated majority is likely to find Boots childish, immoral, and emotionally unsatisfying. A minority, however, is angry and some of them find an outlet for this anger in films that glorify white male physical prowess, "civilizing mission" and white-on-nonwhite violence. A substantial proportion of angry white men today came of age during the civil rights and feminist movements. They feel like casualties of those revolutions. Those who have grown up with multiculturalism and feminism are far less likely to be angry.
My posts on this board have alluded to, and will continue to critique, the racism and imperialist apologetics at work in this movie. White males have been fashioning mythologies of racial domination for hundreds of years; by the 19th century it was unquestioned scientific orthodoxy. Custer, his legend, and Boots all propagate this racist he-man triumphalism, and Hitler, an avid consumer of Hollywood films, thrilled to it. Incidentally, we have Hitler to thank for the demise of films like Boots. The discrediting of Nazi ideology led to the simultaneous discrediting of racism, imperialism and the cult of “civilized manliness" in the rest of the Western world.
Damn good action flick, though, don't you think?
LOL! So funny it merits a separate thread and a detailed response I don’t have time for now.
I especially like Custer's plea (not historically accurate though, I think) about protecting the Indians' right to live in peace on their own land. Doesn't sound consistent, I admit, with the obvious racist attitudes you have ascribed to the producers of the film.
Obviously the word “expunge” just sailed right over your head and out of your consciousness. But don’t worry. All that will be explained on a separate thread as well.
During the 19th century, more caucasions were enslaved by non-caucasians in North Africa and for a longer period of time than there were blacks enslaved by whites in the American South prior to the Civil War.
Utterly absurd. If you’re going to cite Robert Davis, you might go to the trouble of getting your facts right, ala your friend Moynihan. The period he cited was 1500-1650, when he estimated that more Christians were enslaved in Barbary than black Africans were enslaved in the New World. All told, Davis estimated that 1 million Christians were sold into slavery compared with 10-12 million Africans. In any event, I have never made the crude argument that whites have a monopoly on sin. That’s your straw man and the argument you’d prefer to have. Apparently you are loath to discuss the reigning mythologies at work in Boots. You don’t want to stop glorifying the ingroup or exulting in films that do it for you.
I don’t blame you in a way. Collective guilt always involves disturbing emotions. Some people can handle them, some can’t.
But mythology is what Boots is about and mythology is what I aim to discuss on this board. With or without your help. ^__^
TDWTBO's a damn good action flick.
LOLOL!!! Not even. But “action” how? Action as in those little plastic men you played with as a child? Action as in those bulked up superheroes you read about in comic books? The Battle at Little Bighorn was not about “action", it was about ghastly violence and unimaginable horror. More on that later, also on a separate thread.
Ahhh . . . so what's the recommended punishment for liking a "childish and offensive" picture
Nothing. If you enjoy crap like Boots, no further punishment is necessary. You already have your head up your arse.
Would we be correct in summing up your point of view as: White male bad - everyone else good?
Nope. And who is this “we” you keep referring to? Are you Queen Victoria?
Would I be correct in summing up your point of view as: there can be no collective injustice (and thus no victims) because there are no collectives, only individuals?
My goodness. How can someone put so much *beep* in a single post? I won't spend a lot of time pointing this out in detail but offer the following:
"... you conflate 'Sippenhaft' with collective guilt."
Precisely. They are two sides of the same coin.
"... for both of these are phenomena are not a matter of opinion, but of demonstrable fact."
Okay -- demonstrate them.
"As for which side of the divide racists stand on this question, that too, is quite clear, ..."
It is "quite clear". If such a "divide" actually exists, they'd stand on "both" sides, as the predicate for both would be the same. I don't accept the predicate -- though you, apparently, DO -- and Hitler DID.
"None of these groups operate on the assumption that there is a natural Social Darwinist hierarchy that places them, by birthright, at the top ..."
I see. Not really true, but if it were true . . . so what? Does it make a difference to you if you're knifed by a thug because he wants your wallet or because he doesn't like the hat you're wearing? Different justifications of the same evil thought don't make the evil thought less evil.
"Would I be correct in summing up your viewpoint as: there can be no collective injustice (and thus no victims) because there was no collectives, only individuals?"
You would be, IF you first correct the non-sequeters in your question. Eg., "no collective injustice" doesn't equate to "no victims". An absurd proposition on its face! Consider, there can be no collective injustice because there is no collective justice -- only injustice and justice (absolute truths sometimes arrived at collectively for the purpose of commonality and social cohesion. But, in a free country this can be neither quantified nor mandated -- only deeds can be so dealt with). In any case, neither attitudes nor deeds can be indescriminantly ascribed to an "entire" race (including the white race) or an "entire" sex (including the male sex) since the acts which follow "attitudes" (racism is an attitude/philosophy) can be perpetrated ONLY by an individual or a "specific" group of individuals at one time and one place, and only the acts themselves, ie., "discrimination" of one kind or another, can be redressed in forums designed for just such a purpose (eg., courts of law). Attitudes and philosophy can be over-ruled or endorsed only in the individual conscience, the court of public opinion, at home, or from the pulpit, etc.
(Btw, you missed the point entirely of my raising the slavery issue in northern Africa. Yes, slavery there reached its zenith in the 16th century and early 17th, but it didn't END there. It continues even today -- but no longer in the American South, an achievenent, somehow, of "angry white males". It wasn't my intention to juxtapose absolute quantities and absolute dates, which would be irrelevant to the point.)
Hey. Let's be completely PC here. It's white "PERSON'S" guilt and shame. No whitey gets off the hook!
Speaking of offensive drivel, I don't understand your post. The movie is racist, sexist, childish and offensive. Because it didn't show Crazy Horse scalping and mutilating the bodies? Because it showed Custer making a "deal" and big business breaking it?
You use so many big fancy words (shucks, I had ta borrow a dikshunary to unnerstan it) unnecessarily yet correctly, so you must be intelligent. I would think you'd know better than to watch a movie from the 40's (the height of the MPAA code) if you want to see hardcore violence and don't like typical "Hollywood-ism" ideals in movies of this era.
A lot of movies showed Indians at least partially sympathetic (often combined with unsympathetic aspects) before the 1960s.
Fort Apache She Wore a Yellow Ribbon Devil's Doorway Broken Arrow (1950) Buffalo Bill (1944) Sitting Bull (1954) Chief Crazy Horse Pillars of the Sky Taza Son of Cochise Apache etc. Also End of the Trail 1932 Massacre 1934 The Vanishing American
I remember a Variety review of a movie about an Indian protagonist saying that Indian stories were getting very cliched. I believe the review was from 1909.