"walking through life with you has been a very gracious thing"
I consider myself a Flynn fan, but I only finally got around to watching They Died with Their Boots On, a lesser-known gem in the Flynn canon. If not necessarily his all-time best role, the film is a vehicle for a nicely textured performance, and Flynn does a good job on the character arc. As I understand the historical details are shaky – very – but as one of the commentators put it, this is a movie, not history. Flynn’s performance is also interesting in the sense that we get early glimpses of the world weariness which would creep into his later films ever more noticeably.
Best of all is the pairing of Flynn with favorite leading lady Olivia De Havilland. The scene in which Custer and his wife say their final goodbye is already a tear-jerker supreme, but it has an extra layer of emotion in that it was the last scene for Errol and Olivia in this, their eighth and final film together, and this somehow is conveyed through their marvelously low-keyed performances, all the while one of Max Steiner’s loveliest themes soars in the background.