Their marriage was cheated out of a real chance.
I thought it was a beautiful story, however, the ending did not suit me well.
Just as they were realizing what a marriage was truly about -- working through the bad as well as being there for the good, they were cheated! They got an easy way out - they got another baby! That did not seem very fair to me. So their marriage could only work as long as there was a baby?
I was on the edge of my seat waiting for Cary Grant's character to come to a deeper realization that he should've stuck it out with his wife instead of abandoning her when a tragedy struck. I was waiting for him to beg for her forgiveness and then promise her that their marriage would have a fighting chance because he would make it work. I was waiting for him to say that he would rebuild what they used to have, and make their marriage stronger than it was before.
I was terribly disappointed that they got the easy way out of it all. They got another baby which in truth just served as a huge band-aid for their boo boo of a marriage.
The movie was incredibly beautiful with great actors, but it didn't give me any closure. Instead it made me wonder, if that little boy with the blue eyes, curly hair and dimples died of a sudden illness as well, would he go back to punishing his wife by withdrawing from her again?
His character didn't grow, where as her's did. Thats just a shame.