This is the only time Cary Grant has brought me to tears
The courtroom scene. He commits to it so much. He's heartbreaking.
Health reform passed. Is your grandmother dead yet?
The courtroom scene. He commits to it so much. He's heartbreaking.
Health reform passed. Is your grandmother dead yet?
He was great. Was nominated for a A A for this movie and should have won!
shareIt was a powerful moving moment. I'm so use to seeing Cary Grant in films as a cheerful individual. This moment showed the depths of his dramatic talents.
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".
I think Cary was nominated for the Academy Award specifically for the scene where he tries to convince the judge to let them keep the baby. It was beautifully and movingly delivered. I cry everytime I see it.
So true. I enjoyed seeing his acting depth. He should have won an Oscar.
shareHe should have won. Now I have to google who won that year. Lol
shareHe was very good, there. That's the first time I've seen the emotional side of his acting.
"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"