Why Go Back To Instanbul?

If Gutman's clumsy attempt to buy the falcon obviously tipped off the dealer that it was valuable - the secret of the falcon would be out and the jewels long ago dispersed. I can't imagine what he wants to go back for.


Where would you have gone in order to get the Falcon? 1941 Without the globalization you'd have to go to Istanbul and talk to Kemedov's friends, family, colleagues etc. to find out where he might have - if he had gone...


This also made no sense to me.

"Darn we missed the falcon. Oh well, time to go back home. Bye."

"MALLL NOOO, JESUS CHRIST!" - Leonardo DiCaprio, Inception


the secret of the falcon would be out and the jewels long ago dispersed

The fact that the Russian had learned the secret of the Falcon was, of course, the point.

I don't understand, though, why you would assume that Falcon would have been destroyed and sold piecemeal.

As valuable as the constituent parts are, the whole intact Falcon is *much* more valuable. While it isn't impossible that somebody might have decided to trade a significant portion of its value for an increase in the ease and safety of selling the parts separately, it seems unlikely to me. It would be a little bit like coming into possession of the Hope Diamond and deciding to have it cut into 30 or 40 smaller pieces because it's easier to sell smaller gems: that's true, as far as it goes, but it's also silly.

The Falcon figures to still be all in one piece ..... somewhere, in somebody's possession. Whether the Russian decided to keep it (in a more secure location) or realize his windfall by selling it, the trail to where it is now would start in Istanbul because that was the last place that it was known to be seen. (And if it turns out that it *was* destroyed, Istanbul also is where you would start the investigation that would learn that.)


Once its value is known the game is up. It makes no sense. Whether sold in one piece or broken up.


Why would the game be up?

The value became known to the Russian who had it. It has not become a universally known, publicly announced news item (otherwise, they would have known about it before examining the fake). The Falcon is still in the underground world of black markets. And we're talking about people who have already demonstrated that they are perfectly willing to steal the Falcon and to kill for it. As long as it is one piece (or, put another way, until he learns for a fact that it has been destroyed), Guttman will continue to work to track the Falcon and acquire it by any means necessary.


I agree, Why is the game up? Yes so the existence of the birds is known to it's owner. All that means it will be harder to get. If Gutman had made it to Istabul, Gutman and co would have the contacts to make a better deal than The Rusian Who is implied to be a more honest art dealer

Oh GOOD!,my dog found the chainsaw


Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks.

"Why Go Back To Istanbul" sounds like the title of a great pop song. I may just steal that line. Thanks.


What you did there - I see it.

"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli."


What you did there - I see it.

"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli."
