MovieChat Forums > The Maltese Falcon (1941) Discussion > Was it just me or were there homo-erotic...

Was it just me or were there homo-erotic tones?

Just saw it in the big theatre for the first time in completion. Is it just me or were there more than a few homo-erotic overtones: between Gutman and Spade and between Gutman and Wilmer?

Wilmer had tears in his eyes at one point. Of course, that could either be from the betrayal of his professed "father" or from the betrayal of his abuser/lover.

Just wondering.


Spade implied that Gutman was gay when he called Wilmer a "gunsel," which meant kept boy, in front of Gutman, although he might have been trying to be insulting, not literal. Cairo was gay; that was why he and O'Shaughnessy had competitive dialogue near the end about who could and couldn't seduce a particular male mark.


A gunsel was a gunman.


No; a gunsel became a gunman in other films because of this film. Check the trivia section for the origin of the use of the word gunsel in this film. It is as the poster above you said.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
