Is this suppose to be a comedy
I'm not trying to be sarcastic and I like a lot of old movies. I know that movies from different decades have a different Let's call it flavor. Some times it can be hard to get into old movies, especially silent movies I still like a lot of them Though. Especially Bogarts The Big Sleep. But this.... come on guys it's a little much. Some of those of those lines....' I'm a liar, I've always been a liar'. 'You ll be slapped and like it' 'I like to talk with a man who likes to talk to a man ....' 'He was cracking foxy'. What the hell is that even suppose to mean. Some thing about the way the characters. . hold themselves Astor is soooooo mellow dramatic. Peter Lore is wayyy to gay. And as for Bogart I loved him in Sleep, Key Largo, Cain Mutiny, and of course Casablanca But here it's a little much. He s. Little to cocky and condescending. Now if this movie to be funny then it's pretty good. But if they were just playing it straight then no good ....