Not too bad.

Well this is the 2nd Lugosi film that I've watched so far from my 50 horror classic collection. The first one was "Black Dragons" which I thought was just awful! But this one was a lot better. A better plot that was easier to follow and more interesting, even though it was also peculiar at times. But the film moved at a nice pace and has some nice lighting going on. Some of the shots with upward lighting and cast shadows was a nice touch. (unlike "black dragons" which was visual bare.) So I'm gonna give this one 2 stars (or a 6/10)


I just watched this one for the first time since I was a kid. I didn't remember much of it. But yeah, I thought it was pretty good. I enjoyed this one more than some of the other low budget films Lugosi was in. It definitely doesn't deserve a 4.8 rating.



I saw it a couple of years ago, I enjoyed it and thought it was pretty good as well.


I thought this was a pretty good effort. I actually felt empathy for the characters. Of course, I did wonder why in the hell anyone would stay in a house where murders kept occurring. Okay, the doctor didn't want to leave, but I would be out of there, especially if I was just hired help.

Push the button, Max!



I agree: it's pretty entertaining and has a very creepy atmosphere. I saw it past Saturday night for the very first time in my life. It was windy and rainy out there, and I found this movie to be perfect for a night like that. And I was right. As usual, Bela gave an unforgettable performance.

Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop


Lugosi ALWAYS worth checking out.


I really liked this movie,,it had a little of everything in it.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


Its not great but its alright.


Something about Lugosi makes everything he was in worth watching. He seemed to give 100% no matter how bad the script was. Invisible ghost is one of a few of Lugosi's poverty row movies that actually had a halfway decent script behind it. I love haunted house movies with atmosphere and this is just that.


this is what separates Joseph H. Lewis from many other poverty row directors. the man can take no budget nonsense and turn it into a watchable yarn.

"Holy Bananas, It's a girl's Leg!"



Pure garbage, from start to finish. Simply awful, in my opinion. But
to each his own.



I can say that it's better than "Scared to Death" ... but 6/10???? 🐭
