MovieChat Forums > In the Navy (1941) Discussion > Abbott and Costello BOXED SET Freezing a...

Abbott and Costello BOXED SET Freezing and Skipping?

At least 2 of my Abbott and Costello movies on the BOXED SET freeze and/or skip. These films are otherwise just great, but those problems are a real mess and frustration. I own 3 players, including a BRAND NEW Panasonic player and the discs skip and/or freeze on all of them. I wrote to several folks at Universal and FINALLY got someone who says he will solve my problems. This persons name is:
M. Kustanovich

Their email address is:
[email protected]

... and their mailing address is:
Universal Studios Home Entertainment
10 Universal City Plaza Suite 700
Universal City CA 91608


YES my A&C set also does this!! Only about two of the movies in the set play without any problems.


It is possible that the authoring and initial pressings of these DVD's aren't of the best quality, and so they may be prone to freezing and stuttering. I've noticed some "bad packets" on a few films in my box-sets..
