I've seen about eight of her films and in each she had a real charm and grace to her and often stole the show. Cat People and it's sequel have her at her best to me, but she looked really good in Seventh Heaven, La Bete Humaine, and Johnny Doesn't Live Here Any More (just to name a few) as well. A pity she's not as known as she should be. She wasn't like some Megan Fox or Jessica Alba girl, she could actually act AND look attractive. In Cat People she was much like Irena in coming to a different country in adulthood, fleeing from her country's danger, and having an interest in fashion design. In Johnny Doesn't Live Here Anymore there was a sort of irony in her playing a character who lives in a place various men have keys to that she attracts (there is that rumor she gave golden keys to her home to men of her liking but given this was told by her maid who was revealed to have stolen things from her it's not exactly credible thoughs she did have some lovers in her life but hey for some just aren't the marrying kind), and in The Devil and Daniel Webster and La Bete Humaine she was able to fully display her ability to play the attractive yet unapproachable sort of role that labeled her "Tender Savage". Seriously in La Bete Humaine you can kind of feel for her character and yet know being with her leads to trouble, while in The Devil and Daniel Webster with the help of Bernard Hermann she's pretty spooky as well as attractive especially when she's hovering over the baby in a manner that makes her remind me of some beast biding it's time to do something rather nasty with a helpless new-born, or a witch (same with her kneeling over the fire when we first see her).
I personally don't speak French so I can't clarify either but a picture I saw of her singing to the baby had words translating the song and while it sounds mysterious and sweet when she sings it, it's pretty creepy when you see what she was actually singing if that's what it was after you see the film.
Here's the link to that and if someone can clarify that's what she said I'd appreciate it:
It's kind of a pity that James Stewart and Robert Mitchum were just starting out at the time they did movies with her (and while okay films they were pretty forgettable then and now in comparison to some of her other films) since even though she wasn't someone who needed another person to play off of to look good, the films would probably have been more noteworthy when Stewart and Mitchum were more famous and gotten her more attention. But luckily she's still remembered for her performances by fans and this is helped by the fact that both The Devil and Daniel Webster and La Bete Humaine are on The Criterion Collection and Le Plaisir (which feaatured her near the end) too has an artistic distribution, and the most famous Val Lewton films have a DVD boxset, her best films can be seen as they should be.