Roy Bean says he's taken quite a cotton to Coop. Later in the film he tells him he's never wanted to see a man so much in his life. And, of course, Bean's obsessed with a diva. Quite gay. And Bean can't bring himself to shoot Coop in the back, even though he has sworn deadly vengeance. Says his goodbye rather remorsefully as Coop slowly strides away.
The topper is Coop waking up in enfolded with Roy in a morning after a long night of hard drinking. Quite the brilliant piece of business watching him realize where he is and trying to extricate himself for it.
Some might say I'm reaching here, but after the fourth or fifth instance, I see a subtext, whether for humor or for backstory.
I slept with you and you're in love with my husband. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?