Can anyone help me - please?
I'm trying to remember the title of another trucking movie that I saw on TV in the 1970's, have kept a look out for it ever since but it has never reappeared.
It featured two men, called Joe and Harry and a girl transporting a truckload of furs on a long journey accross the country and many setbacks and delays hitting them along the way. It culminates in the truck getting stuck in mud and Harry uses some of the furs under the wheels to enable the wheels to grip. This annoys Joe who accuses him of wasting the load, a fight ensues and ends in several crates of furs falling on Joe and killing him. They deliver the load and the girl then offers some money to a woman (presumably Joe's wife).
I can't remember the names of any of the actors and I think the film was black and white. Can anyone help me please guys????