MovieChat Forums > Remember the Night (1940) Discussion > holy cow this movie is good

holy cow this movie is good

imo it really stands well compared to all the other movies from the 40's. MacMurray and Stanwyck really have great chemistry too. Plot isn't awesome, but movie is great and very unexpected too.
maybe i should finish watching double identity, for some reason i did not like it and stopped half way.


"indemnity" I do recommend watching it again. Great noir!



very true.

๐ŸŽSeason's greetings!๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŒฒ


Plot isn't awesome

This was the problen I had with the film. They couldn't find a court date because it was the holidays, so he takes her home knowing she has past criminal offences. It seemed too far-fetched.


I think it is so well acted and the characters so well developed, that the okay plot is magnified. It is also just well directed. Sometimes a good cast and direction lift a plot from what could have been average to exceptional. But that dialogue isn't too shabby, either. But the acting and characterization is damn good.
