Cecil Kellaway?

He's given prominent billing in the opening credits, yet appears in only one scene (the acquittal celebration party near the end), but only for a few seconds, and with no dialogue.

He'd made many movies prior to this (and another 10 in 1940 alone!), and gave a memorable performance in 1950's HARVEY.

So I'm wondering whether he had scene(s) that were deleted in the TMC movie version I just saw. If not, why was he in this, and why did they credit a non-speaking, irrelevant part?


I read that his scenes were cut. Evidently, it was an ovesight in the credits. Editing calls for tough decisions -- what stays and what goes. What usually winds up on the cutting room floor are scenes that aren't necessary to the understanding of the movie. However, that's a judgement call on the part of the editor. When I've seen deleted scenes on bonus DVD's, I felt some of them should have stayed and something else been cut. I guess it's a matter of perspective. I'd hate to have a job as a film editor.


People really SHOULD read the Trivia and Biography section more often before asking questions such as this...

nuff said

Enrique Sanchez


lol Enrique, I was just thinking that.


THANKS LASTMIDNITE2!!!!!!!!! heheh...I does get annoying - it's as if there were NO OTHER sections on this website BUT these blasted boards! HAHAH!

Cheers to u!

Enrique Sanchez


my other all time favorites are "This needs a remake" and "Will I like this?"



-This needs a remake!
-Will I like this?
-Is he gay?
-6 Degrees of (whoever...Jonas Brothers, Clem Kaddidlehopper...)
-Doesn't Bette Davis look like Hillary Duff? (or some inane comparison with the YOUNGER person doing the "imitation" act...not the reverse.)
-How can I contact Alec Baldwin? (as if he cared...)

Enrique Sanchez


"Is this movie suitable for my 10 year old daughter?" To THAT question, I always reply that I once showed Texas Chainsaw Massacre at a 6 year old girl's birthday party, and it was big hit! Better than pin the tail on the donkey! (not true of course, but these dopes deserve it!).


I love it! You're hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you just imagine a room filled with screaming 6 yr old girls...some crying, some screaming...all of them upset in one way or another... Certainly a life-changing experience fit for show and tell time...

Enrique Sanchez


yeah, little Emily dressing like Leatherface for show and tell.


OOOOOOMG!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you're breaking me UP!

Thanks for the laughs, friend! :)

Enrique Sanchez


Ever notice also, on every classic movie board, there's always some asswipe who starts a thread "One of the WORST movies of all time". Then everyone falls for it and indulges the troll and the thread ends up with 25 posts with everyone bursting blood vessels and soiling themselves telling the dweeb off. God you just want to bitch slap all of them.


You're toooooooooooo m uch I loved it!

I KNOW EXACTLY what you mean! Well back in the innocent 90s when I first came on these boards I would have to admit I was one of those duped by those TROLLS until I wised up and starting laughing AT them...instead. SIGH

Enrique Sanchez


oh yeah, I was duped too back then. Have you noticed though that some people you have a lot in common with always turn up on the boards of movies you like. HaroldRobbins (Hi Harold if you're reading this) and I seem to like the same films. He'll show up on boards as diverse as Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, The Man Who Could Cheat Death and Where Love Has Gone. Interesting how tastes can be the same.


OOO YES! HEHE! You run into them every so often...I have wide tastes and when I see them in one of MY HAUNTS I say to myself...OK I'm not weird now!

Anyway! I have been dying to see Where Love Has Gone...! Never seen it on TCM! Does it show there?

Enrique Sanchez


It does show there occasionally, but surprisingly not in a widescreen version. I understand it's being released on dvd in widescreen at the end of the year. It's a fun movie.


AH, great! Is it as over-the-top campy as other same-era Bette Davis movies?

Enrique Sanchez


yes, but Susan Hayward does most of the emoting. Bette play Susan's mother, a grand dame matriarch and is very regal and cool, but she still gets off some great zingers while wearing a white wig.


Well it is probably worth a wait for the widescreen DVD then....

Enrique Sanchez


yes, all the times I've seen it, I've only seen the pan and scan version, so I'm curious to see it in widescreen. It also has a fabulously cheesy title song sung by Jack Jones.


OK It's settled then! Hehe.....Wow, I haven't heard about Jack Jones in a long long while...whatever happened to him! I think the LOVE BOAT theme was his last "hit" song...he must be retired by now in his 70s I bet

Enrique Sanchez


well the theme from the movie is very similar in style to the Love Boat theme. Also Joey Heatherton plays Hayward's teenage daughter and she's horrendous. The story is based on the true story of Lana Turner's daughter killing Lana's lover, the mobster Johnny Stompanato. Of course it all comes from a Harold Robbins novel, so the names have been changed; but in a supreme act of chutzpah, the studio actually offered Turner the role before Hayward!


NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK I've got to see this now! HA!

Enrique Sanchez


we're going to get yelled at, not to mention deleted, for befouling the Cecil Kellaway thread on The Letter board with this chat. "Go to the Where Love Has Gone room" they'll write with peevish invective. Damn, damn, DAMN THEM!


HAHAAH!! peevish invective, indeed! --- Those deserve to be doubly laughed at, that are peevish and angry for nothing to no purpose.

.......well MY FRIEND...I think I am turning in now...have a restful night!

Enrique Sanchez


you too friend, goodnight!



Well, eff me dead. I was going to start a thread that it's time for a remake, at least in part to see it without the Hays restrictions. (I admit, it could be worsened by a director's liberties.)

And I understand those "Can my ten-year-old see this?" posts. Some very improper stuff gets slipped into movies these days, and critics aren't exactly communicating as one parent to another.

A mom asked whether "Wimbledon" was okay for her young teeners since they'd all (including mom) liked Kirsten Dunst in "Bring It On." I was happy to tell her how "Wimbledon" was different and unsuitable.

Think cynical thoughts.


I was referring to people who write "can my ten year old see this?" in regard to films from the 20's and 30's. Those people are just morons.


The director makes the final decision on what scenes are cut from a film, not the film editor.
