
I would like to know if there are some other toons with the same style (music with illustrating motion picture), like this one, fantasia 2000 and Claire De Lune. What I was thinking of was perhaps some of the silly symphonies?


I'm not sure but:
I recommend "Fantasia 2000" and "Yellow Submarine"


You might also be interested in Allegro non Troppo (1976). Here's the storyline as given in IMDb:

An enthusiastic filmmaker thinks he's come up with a totally original idea: animation set to classical music! When he is informed that some American named "Prisney" (or something) has already done it, he decides to do his own version, using an orchestra comprised mostly of old ladies and an animator he's kept locked in a dungeon. Several different classical pieces are animated, while the animator plots his escape.

I saw AnT when it was first released and enjoyed it, though I would never consider it a replacement for Fantasia...more like a satire or even a tribute of sorts.

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.—JWOL
