MovieChat Forums > Fantasia (1941) Discussion > So this scene was cut out...

So this scene was cut out...

And still hasn't been restored? Pfft, yeah it's racist, but by now it should be restored. It's a part of the movie, and is history, and it should be watched in it's full length.

Formally known as Coilector


I can see how some might be offended. Even when I was young I thought it was pretty funny how similarly colored centaurs seemed to hook up. Can't have that purple centaur making out with a yellow centaurette.


I saw the unexpurgated version of the 2nd and 3rd movements of the Pastoral Symphony on YouTube, with the black centaurette Sunflower.

In the 1990 rerelease and video version the shots with Sunflower are close ups so that she doesn't appear. For example when she first appears she's polishing a centaurette's hooves while the centaurette files her nails. In the 1990 version we just see a close-up of the caucasian centaurette doing her nails.

There's one shot where Sunflower dominates the shot, and they might be a jump in the music, but I didn't notice it. In one shot she's holding up a centaurette's tail. In the 1990 version we see a close-up of the centaurette, but it's a mirror image of the original.

These edits are well done. Most of the music remains in tact, and most of what appears on screen is the same as in the original. I didn't even know that Sunflower had been cut out.

Sunflower appears briefly at the beginning of the dance sequence. When Bacchus is helped onto his throne Sunflower rolls out the red carpet. Again they did close-ups for the shots with Sunflower. The sequence loses some of its comedy when it isn't shown in long shot.

When Bacchus first appears he's flanked by a pair of black centaurettes with zebras' legs instead of horses'. They only appear briefly, but they still appear in the 1990 version, so boviusly they weren't considered offensive.

Apparently Sunfower and Bacchus African centaurettes don't appear in the storm sequence or the last movement.

There was another video on You Tube attacking racism in Disney films. They included Sunflower and the African centaurettes, but they also said that the Crows in Dumbo were racist which is rubbish.

Disney's biggest attrocity was giving Winnie the Pooh an American accent.


I agree with your whole post.

Except that last bit about the crows. Maybe you can't call this overt racism, but those crows are undoubtably parodies of African-American stereotypes.
