MovieChat Forums > Fantasia (1941) Discussion > Are You Up To This Challenge?

Are You Up To This Challenge?

Choosing the Rite of Spring was quite daring for Disney, since that was a fairly new piece whose status as a classic comparable to the Pastoral Symphony was still a matter of dispute.
How about this challenge?: would you be willing to support openly for a brand new Fantasia a piece of contemporary music which has not yet been declared a classic by the majority of the critics and the public?--something by such as Adams, Glass, Gorecki, Gubaidulina, Penderecki, Rautavaara, or Reich?
Hey, even Beethoven was controversial once.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


I'd love to see what Disney could do with some more contemporary music. They did use "Rhapsody in Blue" in "Fantasia 2000", and there's more than a hint of jazz in that piece.


I would not give a flying fig about who wrote the music for a Fantasia segment so long as it was well-animated. Unless it's Wagner.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I would love to see what Disney animators could do with Glass' compositions. On a more "classical" note, I would love to see what they can do with Mozart's Requiem Mass :) especially Dies Irae.


yeah ...Fantasia 3:

First, shock the viewer with Dies Irae ...just full size splashes of random colors covering the screens going all messy until some shapes and a story forms out of it.

continue with Flight of The Bumblebee

then continue with Fortuna Imperatix

then maybe something softer Mozarts 25'th Symphony

what about a nice round of In The Hall Of The Mountain King ?

while at it use some more Grieg- Anitras Dance, Morning Mood and Ases' Dead

now use the Summer - Presto theme from Vivaldis The Four Seasons

use the Allegro Spring movement from the same suite

You got a rock-solid classical art-piece!

I would die to see that


This is probably not at all what you're asking, but I'm lately getting very much into the genius experimental band "Ulver," and I thought this particular beautiful song would go eerily well with the Night on Bald Mountain scene. I was right. ...even righter than I expected to be, in my opinion. I've composited them together and put it on YouTube, if anyone's interested...a warning though, I find it very disturbing, perhaps even moreso than with the original choice of music:

If anyone watches, let me know what you think :) I thought the opening build-up and the ending (with the weird bells that kick in at the end) worked particularly well...

Mr. Daniel?
....I'm finished.
