MovieChat Forums > Fantasia (1941) Discussion > Future Fantasia Film

Future Fantasia Film

If Disney produced a future Fantasia film, what are some music pieces and segments you would like to see? Here are some ideas I have:

- An orchestral rendition of Electric Light Orchestra's song "Eldorado Overture/Can't Get It Out of My Head/Eldorado Finale" from their album Eldorado The animated segment could show a cascade of light that gradually develop into an Oz-like fantasy sequence showing stars, oceans, and other striking visuals. This would make for a good opening number.

- "Claire De Luna" deleted scene from the original Fantasia. This could be a previous segment that would be included in the new film similar to how Fantasia 2000 used "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," but this would provide something a little more new since it's a deleted scene.

- An orchestral rendition of The Beatles' song "A Day in the Life" from Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Animation could depict Beatles imagery and change it's tone from light to dark and back with the change shifts in tone in the song.

- "In the Hall of the Mountain King" Scene could depict Goofy trying to sneak into someplace to take something only have everything comically go awry. This could serve as the Mickey/Donald Duck scene.

- "Danse Macabre ( Joy of Man's Desiring ("; This could end the show as a throw-back to "Night on Bald Mountain/Ave Maria." The segment could depict vampires, ghost, or zombies rising from the grave to terrorize the land at night (maybe have a devilish character dance with a figure at some point) only to be stopped by the dawning of new daylight by the power of Christ.


In sort of a twist on the "recycling an old segment",

I'd Have Gustov Holst's "Saturn: the Bringer of Old Age" as the finale. The piece starts off dissonant and fearful, and climaxes like that before it segues into a peaceful tune. I like to think of that piece representing a death, the before, the period between the moment of death and the light at the end of the tunnel appearing, and then entering that light. For the build up, I'd show imagery suggesting old age, such as an empty nursing home room that had just been vacated, then fade to a cemetery when the brass starts blaring. For the climax of the piece, the screen would be completely black, and then when the harp comes in and the peaceful tune starts, I'd start the "Pan into the Sunrise" shot from the "Ave Maria" for the rest of it.

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Instrumental Scores From Other Disney Films


