MovieChat Forums > Fantasia (1941) Discussion > Do you think they should have included t...

Do you think they should have included the Age of Mammals in ROS?

Apparently the Rite of Spring was supposed to have an extended section after the extinction of the dinosaurs which was (according to Wikipedia, TV Tropes and other sources) to be the Age of Mammals and the first humans and the discovery of fire and man's triumph. While I like the film as it is, I have wondered what that section would have looked like if it was completed (Has concept art of it ever been made?). The audio commentaries on both the original DVD and the 2 disc Special Edition DVD with Fantasia 2000 further confirm this although the audio commentary for the first DVD says that creationists would cause trouble for the film if it was included. I personally do NOT care at all about the debate between creationism and evolution but I doubt that it would have caused a stir if it was added in the Rite of Spring. At the same time though, I think there would still be a boycott if it happened.

Do you think they should have extended the Rite of Spring to include the age of mammals/first humans/ fire discovery/ man's triumph?

The sources below are for those that wanted to know where I got this information:


Yes I also would like to see that!!! But I don't think we ever will!
