Once again, interrputed by something and missed the end of the movie. Saw only to the part where Ann Sheridan shoots the bad guy and the police begin looking for John Garfield, who they saw going into the room. Did he report back as promised or...get tried for the murder?
Garfield hides out for a while making plans to leave on a ship, but is stricken by guilt when he sees the warden getting torn apart in the papers for looking incompetent. He returns to prison and gets sentenced to death. Sheridan tries to convince them that she did it, but Garfield won't let her take the fall for him (they don't really believer her anyway). The film ends with him walking towards the execution chamber door, head held high.
Appreciate your explanation. You may see that the previous reply didn't help. It was so good a movie-though a virtual remake-and just had to find out how it ended. Somewhat as in "Postman Always Rings Twice" Garfield (Gordon) goes to the death house for a murder he did not commit but saw it, in the end, as payment for a previous murder.