IMDB Basic Info on Buck Rogers (1939) Is *Wrong* -- How to Correct?
I am trying to correct a very basic error which has recently crept into the database for the 1939 Buck Rogers serial; the error is being reproduced on all linked pages.
Someone with very little understanding has classed Buck Rogers as a TV Series!
If you look on the top line, you will see the usual stuff -- running time in minutes, followed by the genres, but then, where you normally see the release date, followed by the country of origin, you have this:
TV Series (1939-)
Which is DOUBLY wrong, first because it isn't a TV series but a movie serial, and second, because it appeared in the year 1939, not every year from 1939 to the present.
What it *should* say on the right of the top line is:
11 April 1939 (USA)
What I don't understand is how the error even got in there. I have spent about an hour now, and I can't find any way of editing that top line. You can change the country of origin, but I don't want to change that, and you can change the release date, but I don't want to change that. I want to get rid of the stupid error that says Buck Rogers is a TV series that has never ceased to run from 1939 to the present, and replace it with the information above.
I've tried to find a help desk contact link, but the IMDb seems to have erased all such links, and I don't know how to reach the help desk.
Can anyone out there tell me how to make this correction? Or will anyone out there undertake to make the correction him/herself?
And for future reference, can anyone tell me how to reach the Help Desk?