Brigham Young was God's prophet on the earth. He was called of God after the prophet Joseph Smith was brutally, violently, viciously, savagely, and gorily murdered in Carthage IL where he was imprisoned for no reason at all except for the lies by the evil anti-Mormons. They made stuff up about Smith. For example: They said he was married to more than one woman (polygamy). But polygamy was started by Brigham Young because of the thousands upon thousands of men that were butally murdered by the anti-Mormon filth and left all these helpless and innocent women and children. God told Brigham Young to start polygamy as a way to help all of the helpless widows and children. And as soon as it was no longer needed, God gave another revelation to stop polygamy.
Brigham Young was a great prophet and leader. He led the saints thousands and thousands of miles across the desolate wasteland to Zion which is now Salt Lake City (and surrounding areas). Although they all could have easily been killed since no one had ever gone that far west yet, God found a way for them to survive the trek and make it to Zion. There, they lived where no man had gone before. The land was unusable and desolate; yet, Young, using God's power, was able to subdue the land and make it blossom into fruitfulness. Even when a swarm of billions of crickets was sent by Satan to devour all of the crops and attack the saints, the Lord sent seagulls (which I think were really angels disguised as seagulls) to eat all the crickets and save the saints. This is a documented miracle. You can look it up on the internet.
Brigham Young spoke to God and received revelations. I believe he met regularly with Jesus himself in the temple. Young built thousands of cities in the west. In fact, I think we could thank Brigham Young for the whole western United States. This could not be accomplished unless God helped him do it. I have a testimony of this great man. I know he was a prophet of God, because I have prayed about it and received a huge "burning in my bosom" that he was God's mouthpiece. And I believe that after he died he took his place as a God himself. He is probably building planets as skillfully as he built his cities here on this earth.
I highly recommend this movie so you can learn about the greatest leader and frontiersman that has ever lived in America.
I don't think the Apostles are currently building planets and stars and nebulas and all that good stuff. Jesus Christ yes, but then again, he is God. However she said that he took a role as a God himself. The apostles never did that, Peter may be guarding the Gates of Heaven, but he only reads from the Book of Life, it's God, the only God, who passes judgement. Now maybe richma-1 means what you say, but I don't think she does. Shame she hasn't joined this discussion.
How do you know the original poster is a "she" ? Anyway, the post is so over-the-top in a corny Molly-Mormonish totally out-of-it way that I am tempted to believe that what was posted was intended to be a satire of LDS beliefs.
Brigham Young was God's prophet on the earth. He was called of God after the prophet Joseph Smith was brutally, violently, viciously, savagely, and gorily murdered in Carthage IL where he was imprisoned for no reason at all except for the lies by the evil anti-Mormons.
Actually Joseph had broken the law by ordering mayhem in a shop that printed a newspaper in Nauvoo that gave him "bad press."
They made stuff up about Smith. For example: They said he was married to more than one woman (polygamy). But polygamy was started by Brigham Young because of the thousands upon thousands of men that were butally murdered by the anti-Mormon filth and left all these helpless and innocent women and children. God told Brigham Young to start polygamy as a way to help all of the helpless widows and children. And as soon as it was no longer needed, God gave another revelation to stop polygamy.
This is ridiculous as it is well documented that Joseph Smith instituted polygamy and had plural wives. It is documented that Brigham Yooung was appalled by the idea when Joseph first told him about it. Watch the film carefully and you will see that Brigham has two wives in the trial scene at the beginning. How could he start polygamy when it actually started before he was the head of the church. This rationalization about the need for polygamy also is without substantiating evidence. On the contrary, some Mormon leaders actually married wives of living husbands. Parley P. Pratt met his end due to such an irate husband.
Brigham Young was a great prophet and leader. He led the saints thousands and thousands of miles across the desolate wasteland to Zion which is now Salt Lake City (and surrounding areas). Although they all could have easily been killed since no one had ever gone that far west yet, God found a way for them to survive the trek and make it to Zion. There, they lived where no man had gone before.
Sounds like Star Trek, perhaps because it is fiction ? Many men had ventured not only that far west, but a lot farther. Look up Jim Bridger. Look up the Lewis & Clark Expedition (clear to the Pacific Ocean). Native Americans lived in Utah as well.
The land was unusable and desolate; yet, Young, using God's power, was able to subdue the land and make it blossom into fruitfulness. Even when a swarm of billions of crickets was sent by Satan to devour all of the crops and attack the saints, the Lord sent seagulls (which I think were really angels disguised as seagulls) to eat all the crickets and save the saints. This is a documented miracle. You can look it up on the internet.
The miracle of the seagulls has been disputed as being largely a tall tale.
Brigham Young spoke to God and received revelations. I believe he met regularly with Jesus himself in the temple. Young built thousands of cities in the west. In fact, I think we could thank Brigham Young for the whole western United States. This could not be accomplished unless God helped him do it. I have a testimony of this great man. I know he was a prophet of God, because I have prayed about it and received a huge "burning in my bosom" that he was God's mouthpiece. And I believe that after he died he took his place as a God himself. He is probably building planets as skillfully as he built his cities here on this earth.
Yes, Brigham Young had a part in colonizing the American West, but many others had a part as well. California had growing communities before Young ever went west.
The building planets bit leads me to believe that the original post was made in jest. This takes LDS theology and makes it sound silly and full of fantasy.
Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see... reply share
I think they think she is a she is probably because she said something about "A burning in her bosom." I totally agree with you she basically said it in a Molly Mormon way.
So how does this make me an idiot ? Check out a later post that has a completely different tone, that is not "Molly Mormon" in any way and actually speculates that Brigham Young may have personally ordered the "Mountain Meadows Massacre"...which I do not feel happened.
_____________________________________________________________________________ Actually Joseph had broken the law by ordering mayhem in a shop that printed a newspaper in Nauvoo that gave him "bad press." _______________________________________________________________________________
I could care less if Joseph Smith pushed the mobs back. What if somebody was going to drive you out of your home for a dumb reason, would you just stand their, or fight back.
You and anyone else should care. Just what dumb reason are you thinking of that was going to be used to drive people out of their homes ? Look up the word "their" used it wrongly in the phrase "would you just stand their , or fight back." You missed my point almost entirely unless you think the publishers of that paper that had the type messed up were forcing people out of their homes.
________________________________________________________________________________ This is ridiculous as it is well documented that Joseph Smith instituted polygamy and had plural wives. It is documented that Brigham Yooung was appalled by the idea when Joseph first told him about it. Watch the film carefully and you will see that Brigham has two wives in the trial scene at the beginning. How could he start polygamy when it actually started before he was the head of the church. This rationalization about the need for polygamy also is without substantiating evidence. On the contrary, some Mormon leaders actually married wives of living husbands. Parley P. Pratt met his end due to such an irate husband. _________________________________________________________________________________
I could care less who started polygamy. The point is it's over. When Parley P. Pratt died he was killed by a husband that WASN'T Mormon. So that entirely explains why he got shot. The lady that left her husband was probably already thinking about leaving her husband, I mean she left w/out him, it's not like Parley P. Pratt hypnotized her or something
I don't care that you could care less who started polygamy. Of course the way you worded that, you are saying that you do care. You probably mean "I couldn't care less who started polygamy." It is irrelevant that the legal husband was not a Mormon. The fact is that he was enraged and that this was his motive in killing Pratt. It is irrelevant what the lady in question was thinking.
_______________________________________________________________________________ Sounds like Star Trek,Perhaps because it is fiction ? Many men had ventured not only that far west, but a lot farther. Look up Jim Bridger. Look up the Lewis & Clark Expedition (clear to the Pacific Ocean). Native Americans lived in Utah as well. _______________________________________________________________________________
Of course, you are right. What she was trying to say was that nobody really established that many settlements. Native Americans had villages, Jim Bridger set up forts and even told Brigham Young that you won't even grow a single crop, now look at Utah I think that pretty much answered his prayers. Lewis & Clark didn't live in the west, they just studied it and lived with a bunch of Indians.
The miracle of the seagulls has been disputed as being largely a tall tale. _______________________________________________________________________________
If it is a tall tale then why is it in my textbook, when I lived way out in California.
Do some research and you could make a more-informed statement on the matter. Much of the standard version of this "miracle" is obviously embellished at the very least. Also, for such a dramatic event, nothing like it seems to have not been mentioned in many contemporary journals from people living in Utah.
Yes, Brigham Young had a part in colonizing the American West, but many others had a part as well. California had growing communities before Young ever went west. _______________________________________________________________________________
You are right. She was trying to say that nobody really gives Brigham Young the credit he deserves for colonizing the west. There were already settlements like Monterey, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Fransisco, Sacramento, etc., the Mormons pretty much made all of those settlements better. In fact we can probably thank the Mormons for Las Vegas, they built a sum of the builings, installed pipes, and even donated a bunch of money to companies but those companies ended up putting up casinos which were it all went wrong.
So why am I not serious and an idiot for being correct ? The Mormons did little to add to the settlements California because Brigham Young ordered "The Saints" to go to other places, not stay in California. He ignored the advice of Sam Brannan. ______________________________________________________________________________
The building planets bit leads me to believe that the original post was made in jest. This takes LDS theology and makes it sound silly and full of fantasy. ______________________________________________________________________________
I'll admit that sounds weird. Look at John 10:33,34 and Psalms 82:6, showing that the word God uses is "gods" to describe our potential future or our potential role as His representative. It's not a shocking concept from a cult - this knowledge is a part of original Christianity which has been lost by apostasy. Read Romans 8:14-18, Philemon 3:21, Rev. 3:21, 1 John 3:2, etc., to see that we can indeed become like Christ who is like God. As "gods," we will be priests and kings to God the Father, to whom all glory will be. I'm not saying we will inherit planets and everything after we die, I'm just saying that we will be rewarded. I don't know what the reward is but we'll just have to wait and see.
OK, you have convinced me that you think Mormons are polythesists.
Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see... reply share
its obivious mormon religion is more like a sci-fi book , the original battlestar galatica is based on mormon religion , the createer is a member of lds ,
i use to be a member asnd quickly realised eac sunday at church wa smore like a sci-fi convention
battelstar galatica (the original) was bases alot on mormon religion if u watch it properly
Of course. The producer was LDS and did sneak some Mormon cosmology into the original Battlestar Galactica series. The planet Kobal, a regerence to a spirit prison, etc.
Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see... reply share
Well, just to add to the discussion I will address the idea of there being many gods, as taught in the Mormon Faith. You will point to 1 Corinthians 8:5 to make your point
1 Corinthians 8:5 (King James Version) King James Version (KJV)
5For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,)
The Mormon church leads you to read such passges along with various church doctrine, rather than reading such a passage in context.
1 Corinthians 8:4-6 (King James Version)
4As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. 5For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) 6But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.
That is the danger you face when seeking Biblical truth outside of the Bible. As you can see, the exact passage used by The Mormon church to support the existance of multiple gods in truth states the exact opposite when read IN CONTEXT.
Brigham Young
How many Gods there are, I do not know. But there never was a time when there were not Gods. (17)
Isaiah 44:08 (King James Version)
8Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.
Just something to mull over if you are looking to use the Bible to support your belief in Mormon teachings.
Great parody. It's a testament to the level of intelligence of the faithful that your words could probably be lifted directly from a Mormon pamphlet.
Equally ridiculous are the attacks by mainstream Christians on Mormonism: nothing more than the myth calling the fairytale a fraud. Look in the mirror pot and kettle...
The President of the Immortals had ended his sport with Tess
I hate to even respond to this nonsense, but richma-1 is obviously not a Mormon; he or she is someone posing as a Mormon to make Mormonism look foolish. The terms this individual is using are right out of the anti-Mormon Evangelical handbook. Why do I say this? Because in all of my 39 years as a church-going Mormon, I've never heard anyone say anything like this. Mormons I know (and I've known hundreds of them) just don't talk like richma-1. However, in my encounters with Evangelical Christians who are trying to talk me out my Mormonism, this is precisely how they talk about Mormonism.
Could richma-1 be Mormon? Possibly. But I find it highly doubtful.
I think regardless of one's religion, it is important that we love one another and do our best to serve each other in kindness and with equal measure. At the end of the day, we're all flawed, fallible, human beings just trying to understand the world around us and where our part is in the grand scheme of things, if there even is a grand scheme. Loving one another goes a lot further than chapters and verses. A person's heart is not a courtroom. Legalities don't interest it, but love does. Compassion does. Kindness and generosity does. Love should be foremost, and everything else will fall in place from there.
I watched this film and became curious as to why the Mormons were driven out of every state in which they settled until Brigham Young led them to Utah. After all, the Amish lived in many of the same regions as the Mormons, and they were pretty much left alone to practice their faith. Why were the Mormons hated so?
Apparently it was because of polygamy. The settlers in the regions where the Mormons lived were terrified of the Mormon practice of kidnapping women and forcing them into a plural marriage with one of the leaders of the religion. Rightly or wrongly, no one felt safe with their wives, mothers, sisters and daughters when the Mormons spread throughout a region.
Although it is a work of fiction, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's first Sherlock Holmes detective novel, A Study in Scarlet, shows what could happen to a pioneer when a Mormon leader coveted his daughter. In the novel, a pioneer and his young daughter heading west are rescued by a group of Mormons and taken to Salt Lake to live. The daughter grows up and is told she cannot marry her intended; that she must marry a Mormon elder instead. The father and the daughter attempt to flee Utah only to be hunted down and captured. (The father is killed.) The daughter then dies of a broken heart after her forced marriage to the elder.
If this movie had been historically accurate instead of a Mormon propaganda piece, Linda Darnell would have been snatched up and married off to Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Heber Kimball, or one of the other church elders as soon as she was 14 and displayed beauty and breasts. Tyrone Powers would not have stood a chance, and Mary Astor would have had to move to the side to allow some new wives to step in.
The Mormons publicly renounced polygamy in 1890 but continued the practice in secret for many years afterward. Plural marriage is still widespread amongst fundamentalist Mormons in southern Utah and northern Arizona and remains very controversial.
And to clarify, the ORIGINAL form of the revelation Joseph Smith received in 1831, in the presence of Oliver Cowdery, W. W, Phelps, etal, commanding polygamy, specifically noted the Mormons were to marry the Native Americans, to make them white.
Brigham Young did marry 2 Native American women, but later chose to abandon them in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Did you know the Book of Mormon declares polygamy to be an abomination ??