Many people unaware of 1939 version!!!!
I went and saw Ghostown" today, very good, the women in front of me were purchasing tickets for "The Women" and I said if I see you on the way out I will have to find out what you thought of it.
I said have you seen the original? They said no ( they were proably in their 40's).
I said it was on TCM this past interest.
Anyway I went to the candy counter and asked the two girls( 20's) have you seen it, one had thought it was cute....have you seen the original...didn't know there was one?
I am an old movie buff and I have had the pleasure of meeting Jane Russell, Lizabeth Scott and the late Janet Leigh and Charlton Heston, so I guess it is hard for me for people to be so unaware of the original and other classics.