MovieChat Forums > The Women (1939) Discussion > Many people unaware of 1939 version!!!!

Many people unaware of 1939 version!!!!

I went and saw Ghostown" today, very good, the women in front of me were purchasing tickets for "The Women" and I said if I see you on the way out I will have to find out what you thought of it.

I said have you seen the original? They said no ( they were proably in their 40's).

I said it was on TCM this past interest.

Anyway I went to the candy counter and asked the two girls( 20's) have you seen it, one had thought it was cute....have you seen the original...didn't know there was one?

I am an old movie buff and I have had the pleasure of meeting Jane Russell, Lizabeth Scott and the late Janet Leigh and Charlton Heston, so I guess it is hard for me for people to be so unaware of the original and other classics.



I'm glad to see that members of your generation appreciate pictures like "The Women". Most of my students won't watch a Black and White movie.

"I love corn!"


Sadly the older classics are being over looked by the masses. I love the classics and The Women happens to be one of my favorites! I've tried to turn my husband and sons onto the classics and at times they humor me but I fear it's lost to them.

Good to know there are some fans out still around!

Moonlight Against All Odds


It is sad, so many people you talk to today only know what is current.

They seem to have no interest in old movies or history.

With the Internet all this information is right at their fingertips, yet they remain clueless.


My thoughts exactly.
I'm fifteen, but adore classic movies.
You'd be surprised how many people have asked me, "Who's Cary Grant?"

"May I be frank?"
"Only if I can be Dean and Gus can be Sammy."


Well it makes feel better that someone your age knows Cary Grant....

I guess there is some hope!


*gasp* Not know Cary Grant? Is that possible?


yeah it is sad that most have no idea that the new one is a remake.
I'm sixteen and my friend told me to go see a new movie called "the Women" with her, and when i said I should show her the original first she just said "what are you talking about?, this is a brand new movie!"

sad :(

And i think ive been asked a hundred times "who is audrey hepburn." how can you not know who Audrey Hepburn is?! Cary Grant too!


I can't believe that either. I have a co-worker who went to see the new version. She enjoyed it. I asked her if she had seen the original and she said that she did not realize that there was another version. I gave her my copy to watch and she said that it was cute. I don't know that she appreciates the classics. She did say that there was a line in the re-make that made her understand, now that she has seen the original.

How many people want to see the original? Several people that I have talked to that has seen it, really like the movie. Even though I was worried about it, I don't think it got the publicity that it should have.


I love the original! i think its ashame that Hollywood can't think of any new movies and have to remake the greatest classics. If someothing is almost perfect why remake it?!

Vicki Anderson: What do you get for the man who has everything?


It is amazing to me how many people are unaware of all the great (and not so great movies) of the past. There is another discussion about American Beauty and whether it is a masterpiece. Most of the people agreeing that it was are in their 20s! I love American Beauty, but if you are that young, what do you really have to compare it to? I get my love of old movies from my late mother. I was probably the only student in the 5th grade who knew who Bette Davis was! (I am 52!)
