MovieChat Forums > Stagecoach (1939) Discussion > Famous Actor/Director duo

Famous Actor/Director duo

Beside these two guys...which actor/director duos you think are remarkable as well...

I would mention famous DeNiro/Scorsese duo...first thing came to my mind


Anthony Mann & Jimmy Stewart made some wonderful and entertaining features in the 1950s.

"It's as red as The Daily Worker and just as sore."


Akira Kurosawa and Toshiro Mifune--Japan's answer to John Ford and John Wayne.


Akira Kurosawa and Toshiro Mifune--Japan's answer to John Ford and John Wayne.

Yes, definitely Kurosawa and Mifune are number one in my book!

Of course, I also enjoy Ford and Wayne, Jimmy Stewart with Alfred Hitchcock, Spencer Tracy with Stanley Kramer and Gregory Peck with Henry King.


George Cukor did 8 films with Katharine Hepburn, Little Women and The Philadelphia Story among them. He went on to his greatest success with My Fair Lady, but even after that he did two TV movies with Kate in the 1970s.

William Wyler did three films with Bette Davis. They are probably her best B&W's outside of All About Eve and Now Voyager. Wyler, of course would go on to direct the classics Ben-Hur and Funny Girl, but he is still very much associated with Davis.

"They're all gonna laugh at you! They're all gonna laugh at you!


Fellini and Mastroianni
Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski
Kurosawa and Mifune
Tim Burton and Johnny Depp
Truffaut and Jean-Pierre Léaud
Yimou Zhang and Gong Li
Scorsese and De Niro
Ingmar Bergman and Liv Ullman
Guillermo del Toro and Ron Perlman
Hitchcock and "The Blondes"


Humphrey Bogart and John Huston made a few fantastic films together. Cary Grant and Howard Hawks weren't too shabby either.

"Watch me run a 50-yard dash with my legs cut off!"


Thank you so much for saying Howard Hawks and Cary Grant. That was what I could not remember.


Between 1956 to 1960 director Budd Boetticher and actor Randolph Scott created seven perfect westerns. Five of those movies have recently been released on a DVD box set. Merry Christmas.

"I'm almost resigned to living on what I earn."


I never get when people think Scorcese is a good, let alone great, director. In fact, besides Good Fellas, his movies out and out stink. And, as for DeNiro, I know Midnight Run is a very funny movie, DeNiro really has few very good, let alone great, movies. I know people think that Taxi Driver and Raging Bull were good movies, but they actually are boring and stink up the room. I'll also admit to never having seen any or all of the Godfather movies in their entirety. Now, as for great actor/director pairings, I would say W.S. VanDyke and William Powell. I would also say John Huston and Humphrey Bogart. And, finally, Alfred Hitchcock and Jimmy Stewart, or is that Cary Grant.


De Niro's great movies: Bang the Drum Slowly, Mean Streets, Godfather Part II, Taxi Driver, The Deer Hunter, Raging Bull, King of Comedy, Once Upon a Time in America, Brazil (though he's only a small part), The Mission, The Untouchables, Midnight Run, GoodFellas, Awakenings, Backdraft, This Boy's Life, Casino, Heat, Wag the Dog, Jackie Brown, Ronin, Analyze This, Meet the Parents

He also has more movies in the Top 250 than any other lead actor. (9, I believe). Looking purely at the overall quantity of great movies he has made along with the quality of his performances in them, he is possibly the greatest actor of all time. (Though Jimmy Stewart, Marlon Brando, Paul Newman, and Al Pacino are all great too). He went all-out for his roles in a way no one else had ever done before, learning Sicilian for Godfather II, flying back to NY on weekends from Europe to work as a Taxi Driver at night, learning the (rudiments of) the saxophone for New York, New York, learning to box and gaining 60 pounds for Raging Bull, etc, etc.

And Martin Scorsese may not be your cup of tea. That's okay. But he's still an incredibly talented and important filmmaker who's been more influential over the last 30 years than anyone except Spielberg.

