Background Music

I am trying to identify the background music often played in this movie. It's used a lot when they are traveling in the stagecoach. It sounds identical to the background music used in The Outlaw, especially when Jane Russell and others are riding to escape their persuers. Any help in confirming they are they same music and the title name is appreciated.


If you check the soundtrack listings here for Stagecoach it lists "Bury me not on the Lone Prairie" variations played as part of the score.

I believe this is the tune you are thinking of that is played often in westerns, but the soundtrack lists other songs as well.


Thanks for the info.


>"Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair"
> (1854) (uncredited)
> Written by Stephen Foster
> Used in the score

Sat right up whenever Mom's official anthem played.

Mom was a Jeannie too, 1928 to 2010. May she "tidy up" in heaven's kitchen as often as the urge comes, or not.
