Favorite Quotes

Seeing as how there is no 'memorable quotes' section for Rules of the Game, I was wondering if I could get your opinion on what your favorite quotes in this movie are. I'll be back with a few of mine in a little while.

"Sand is overrated."


Robert: That's the problem with life, everyone has their reasons.

Robert: You're a poet, a dangerous poet.

Octave: The room was draped in gold and green, the type of green only the English can think up.

Marceau: Before I do anything I make them laugh.
Robert: Yes but that takes talent.

Robert: Corneille, stop this farce!
Corneille: Which one your lordship?

Octave: I'm spitting in the water, it's the only thing I know how to do in life.

Marceau: With madame, with madame!

There's more, I just can't think of them.


Marceau: Want my rabbit?

Octave: I thought it over all night. I'm going to dress as a bear.

Christine: Women should help each other once in a while.

Christine: Sincere people are always such bores.


I'm probably getting the quote a little wrong, but I love when the cook refuses to indulge a demand for sea-salt and says:

"Diet I can handle, but not obsession."


"I DONT HAVE A SICK MOTHER?! I DONT HAVE A SICK MOTHER?!" Im not sure if thats the exact line but that had to be one of my favorite lines and deliveries in the film.


"love as it exists in society is merely the mingling of two whims & the contact of two skins"
