IMDb Top 250

How is it it possible that this film hasn´t been voted in the Top 250. Since the Sight and Sound polls it´s not an unknown movie and it can surely be understood on more than an interlectual level (it´s a great comedy, too, just think of the scenes with the bear). Renoir is a true artist and a genius, as outstanding as Bergman, Kubrick, Antonioni and Kurosawa and The Rules of the Game is his best film. I gave copies of the film to my friends so that rhey could get impressed, too, and vote a 10. It would be wonderful if you could do something that this film gets a rank which it deserves.


I agree, such a shame movies like this, Sansho Dayu,Andrei Rublev,L'Avventura
and many others aren't in the top 250.Once they'll get more popular, I'm sure they will be up there, someday...


It's the imdb top 250. Let's not get our hopes up.


