Top 10 films(poll)

I am bored of lists that include only American(and,furthermore mostly new ones) films and ignore so many masterpieces,so I decide to make another poll,which I think will be more serious,will include most of the great movies(especially the foreign ones) and will be more representitive of the history of cinema.So,if you want to see that list(maybe it will be a top 100)post your top 10 in one of my topics.I'll start with mine:

1.Goodfellas(1990,Martin Scorsese)
2.Stalker(1979,Andrei Tarkovsky)
3.Raging Bull(1980,Martin Scorsese)
4.Once Upon a Time in the West(1968,Sergio Leone)
5.Harakiri(1962,Masaki Kobayashi)
6.Persona(1966,Ingmar Bergman)
7.Lawrence of Arabia(1962,David Lean)
8.Bicycle Thieves(1948,Vitorio De Sicca)
9.The Godfather(1972,Francis Ford Coppola)
10.2046(2004,Wong Kar-Wai)

I hope that a lot of people will join my poll!



1. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
2. Casablanca
3. The Third Man
4. M. Hulot's Holiday
5. North By Northwest
6. Lawrence of Arabia
7. Foreign Correspondent
8. Cyrano De Bergerac (1990)
9. Citizen Kane
10. CIty Lights

black and white movies were better


1) Vertigo
2) Casablanca
3) The Godfather
4) Citizen Kane
5) Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
6) Chinatown (1974)
7) Its a Wonderful Life (1946)
8) Le Regle Du Jeu (1939)
9) 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
10) Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
