anyone else reminded of that scene in 'Taxi Driver'?
Recently, Martin Scorsese named a list of gangster films that were the most influential on him; The Roaring Twenties being one of them. I've had this movie a long time and finally got around to watching it--great film.
There's a scene about 3/4 into the The Roaring Twenties. The stock market's crashed and Eddie Bartlett is driving cab. Jean Sherman's married and has a son. Eddie picks up Jean in his cab and they have this sorta awkward conversation. Jean's trying to have a conversation with Eddie but he's kinda distant with her.
In Martin's Scorsese's Taxi Driver Travis Bickle picks up Betsy. While in the cab Betsy tries sparking up a conversation with Travis but he's sorta distant with her like Eddie was with Jean.
There's even a shot of Jean and Betsy in their respective films seen through the rear-view mirror with the city passing by, giving it a surreal feeling, dream-like.
Once I saw the that scene with Eddie and Jean it reminded me of Travis and Betsy. Anyone else notice this?