Mr. Smith remake

I think this movie needs to be redone. I personally love the movie and show it to my students when we cover the Legislative Branch in class. I think with our current state of affairs in politics it would be a good movie to redo and maybe help recreate some old-fashion patriotism.

Who would you cast?

Jeff Smith: Leonard DiCaprio, Jim Carey, or Steve Carrell

Saunders: Amy Adams or Christa Miller

Taylor: John Goodman or Jack Nicholson

Sen. Paine: Harrison Ford or Dustin Hoffman

Governor Hopper: Dan Akroyd or Bill Murray

Chick McGann: John C. Reilly

Susan Paine: Megan Fox or Kate Walsh

President of the Senate: Richard Jenkins


Starring: Mel Gibson
Producer: Homer Simpson

tHe MuRdER CaPiTaL oF thE woRLd

"walk into this world with you head up high"


I loved that episode of The Simpsons. My favorite line is when Homer is telling Mel Gibson why his 'Mr. Smith' remake stinks. Gibson pounds himself in the head and moans, "What was I thinking? I didn't even shoot anybody."



your doing it for all the wrong reasons.

Best way to deal with trolls is to add them to your ignore list.
