For anyone who thinks this movie is 'too patriotic'...
...I would just like to point out that the bad guys in this movie are NOT evil forigeners threatening the country, or gangsters. They are American politicians, namely Jim Taylor and Joseph Paine. Though Taylor seems more like a true bad guy while Paine seems more like a weak-willed puppet. Early on we see he doesn't want to hurt Smith, he wants if possible to get Smith on their side.
But anyway, all the bad stuff done in this movie (namely all the dirty tricks done to make Smith look bad and make his proposed bill fail) are done by Taylor and Paine. This film could be seen as much as a criticisim of America's own political system as it is a patriotic film. The film makes the statement (at a time decades before the counter-culture movement, when American patriotisim was still at an all-time high,) that there is a great deal of corruption in Washington.
If you see the movie, before writing it off as "too patriotic", please take a closer look at it's potrayal of US politicians before you make the final call.