plot hole not really a plot hole

One of the goofs is a plot hole that I really do not think is one. In it he describes correctly that whoever is the owner the of the "Willet Crick" property would benefit from its sale to the government.

However, the whole point of the "scandal" was to destroy Smith without anyone knowing what they are doing. Hence, they had to make up a story to trap him. They already controlled that land so that was the land they had to use.

Hence, they could use that as the scandal to get rid of Smith. Then when no one is looking run the Willet Dam appropriation through and get ther pay off. In fact at this stage it is more important to destroy Smith and save the machine than to actually run the scam. If this is the goal then it is not a goof to set up the trap this way. He may just not be a great plan.
