MovieChat Forums > Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) Discussion > The system has been rotten for a long ti...

The system has been rotten for a long time

You could make this same movie today, and nothing would have changed. The entire political system is still rotten to the core, the press (what's left of it) can be muzzled or bought, misinformation is rampant, political careers are made or destroyed by the rich who control the levers of power. I could go on and on. Shame!


Isn't that how it's always been, since the beginning of human politics?

~ I've been very lonely in my isolated tower of indecipherable speech.


So how many compromises on luxuries and charities have you made....we complain all the time about the rich rolling in money and abusing the system but in most everyday life people do the same, just on a small scale...We all need to evolve above it.

wat are you lookin' at...


People need to be modest in their desires and should not adjust to the system just because everybody else take it for granted.


People need to be modest in their desires

Modesty is a sin that degrades our divine nature designed for living in material abundance.


Wouldn't be surprised if you're Bishop of Rome himself.


A long time? When was it ever not that way? It's been that way since from the beginning. Only the forms and mechanisms have changed, not the essence of it.
