MovieChat Forums > Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) Discussion > What is the Constitutional authority for...

What is the Constitutional authority for Sen. Smith's boys' camp?

I'm asking rhetorically because I already know there is none. He's one of those senators who think "I want something, therefore it's Constitutional and we should spend money on it."

And he's supposedly a true statesman obsessed with our founding documents and principles.

"we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe" -Obama admin.


Good point, but I assuming that the land that they speak of is Federal land, such as a National Forest, Park, or Monument or belonging to the BLM and thus would require Congressional (via the legislative process) authority.

Now, why was this land under Federal authority in the first place? This movie was made during the New Deal and its programs such as the TVA and the like.


Sounds like a *beep* objection. Do we not have something similar nowadays? If it is legal now, is it not legal then?

I am not saying I am knowledgeable about this topic. But your claim that you are right without bothering to justify why is pretty pathetic.


I know it is against everything that Libertarians believe in but the Constitution provides for three branches of government and the legislative branch makes the laws. They can do almost anything they want as they frequently do. When someone takes exception to that which they have done he or she sues and then the court system decides whether or not a constitutional violation has taken place.
