What State?
I'm really interested in know what "state" Smith and everyone was referring to. Is it Arizona? Montana? I can't figure it out...after trying to research it on the web...
shareI'm really interested in know what "state" Smith and everyone was referring to. Is it Arizona? Montana? I can't figure it out...after trying to research it on the web...
shareI believe it's Montana.
"Why in the name of Merlin's saggy left..."
It was purposely never stated. All we know is that it's in the West, has vast fields of grass, beautiful nature, and at least one large city.
My vote is for Colorado.
I was thinking Massachusetts since he sat on Webster's desk but i'm not sure
shareIt can only be Colorado, and here's why:
1. Colorado is on a direct line of flight from Washington, DC through Kentucky. (Smith tells Susan Paine that his carrier pigeon is "likely over Kentucky by now."
2. Colorado is mountainous, which the State must be in order to have camp sites near creek sources.
3. Colorado is mineral-rich, which gives us that mining syndicate story.
4. Colorado has a Class II Senate seat, which is the seat that Joseph Paine must occupy (first elected to the Senate in 1918; twenty years later, he is presenting Smith's credentials.) The other Senate seat in Colorado is Class III, which would have had an election in 1938; hence Sam Foley just got re-elected and re-seated in the year that he died.
5. Colorado has seven House districts; some of the other States mentioned have only one ("at-large") House seat.
It's irrelevant.
sharecould also be North-East Pennsylvania :) (it sounds alot like it!!! :D)