Did it ever bother anyone else...?(spoiler)
...that Ram Dass, although when he first saw Sara and Becky running away thought they were playing a game...but then he sees actual police and that hooked nose harpy chasing them, he says and does nothing, just backs off, looking terrified. It's always bothered me since I was a little girl.
Now, before anybody says it, yes I realize he is a servant, and probably doesn't have the ability to do that, but least he could've done was gotten his cranky old master (who we found out wasn't so cranky after all when he gifted the girls with the items) and told him what was happening, and helped the girls.
And yes, I realize had he done this, she never would've made it to the hospital to find her father, and he would've been out on an ambulance and gone forever.
I guess I wish they would have handled the scene a bit different, it would've made me feel a bit better if he hadn't just stood there and watched them get chased away, without knowing why (and of course knowing why he could've cleared it up immediately).
So simple question, did it ever bother anyone else?