All that GOLD!!

Now, the British navy, and others, has a long tradition of prize money (I wonder if it continues today?) when a British ship takes a prize. I wonder if the gold from the temple was divided among the regiment? Maybe the three sergeants got some? You can be SURE that it was ummm CONFISCATED! yeah, that's it, CONFISCATED! hehe

H.A.L. + 1 = I.B.M. Arthur Clarke is a scary man.


They would have looted it, ordinarily, but Ballanine, Cutter and MacChesnaye appealled to the better instincts of the regiment, and most of the loot was used to set up to the Clean Diaper Fund for Regimental Bhistis as a tribute to Gunga Din.

Part of the loot, however, went to buy new canes and paddles for the officers' lounge. (They were English, after all.)
