I just finished watching Gunga Din and loved it. So I checked to see how many Oscars it was nominated for. ONE? And it lost? How could that be possible?
Then I saw the TEN films that were nominated that year -- easily the best year ever in Hollywood -- and I thought "Well, okay, I guess I get it."
Gnga Din sucked! All movies should look like they do now, even if they're from 1939!! Why couldn't they go back in time and make this movie with color and with more better special effects and blood and crap, it would have been way batter if there was more blood like Indiana Jones but rated R like Wedding Crashers so they can swear. They should have used computers for when there were battles. This movie stole stuff from Indiana Jones too! You can't fool me, the people who made this movie saw Indian Jones and said "lets do the same thing but in black and white and with no special effects". Those idiots, why did they have to copy Steven Spielberg?
Wedding Crashers was way better. I liked it cuz Will Ferrel was in it and they were crashing weddings...they weren't even supposed to be there but they went anyway because they wanted to get laid! It was awesome cuz it was in color and there was an old lady that swore alot
This movie sucks, how dare they make something from 1939 out on dvd. They should take all the copies off the stores and put Wedding Crashers there instead.
But enough writing, Im sick of typing, its boring. Time to go back and do my "reading" homework...cuz I'm not old enough for my English classes to be called "English" yet.
Gunga Din sucks cuz its old! I bet only stupid old people like this movie. I hate old people too, like Gunga Din.
And in about 10 years I'll look back on what i wrote here and realize how little I knew about anything. Then I'll come on here again and make fun of some other dumb kid who couldn't recognize a classic film if it bit him on the 'taint' (just look it up). Ah well, such is life... http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=29663098
Yeah any other year that didn't include "Gone with the Wind", "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington", "Wuthering Heights","The Wizard of Oz", "Ninotchka", "The Women" etc. would have merited an oscar.
yes, i'll be sure to get a life of wasting time bashing some old movie on its message board because you were forced to watch it for school. once you get laid maybe you'll stop being such a tight-ass about old movies...