Is this a rumor?

It's being released again with something like a "director's cut" or something special?


Haven't heard of this but in 1999 I believe the US Congress classified it as a significant film that should be protected. Because of this such a release could be possible.


I guess what I heard was just a rumor. Let's hope something comes out in a better version. If not, then I'm quite happy with the original!


I had always heard that Kipling's widow didn't like his inclusion in the film, so those scenes were cut in the release version and only restored after she died. If true that could explain a directors cut. I know that the first time I saw the film WITH Kipling in it, I was surprised, as I had never seen those scenes on tv in the 50s.


Years ago I saw George Stevens Jr at the AFI in DC where he introduced the uncut version of the film. What had been cut out were maybe two scenes where Reginald Sheffield plays Kipling. During the expedition at the end Sheffield is addressed as Kipling. At the end of the film he is seen writing the poem. Apparently Mrs. Kipling objected to her husband, who had died the year before, portrayed and the scenes were removed.

Sheffield's son Johnny played Boy in the Tarzan films.



And U have a splendid holiday, as well!

Pure logic is ruin.


Interesting. Maybe a complete version (or branching version) will make it to Blu-ray.


Who knows? I just picked up the complete soundtracks to The Alamo, Fall of The Roman Empire and The Wild Bunch. Maybe one day somebody find the 5hr verson of TWB. I already have the 5 1/2 hr workprint of Apocalyse Now. That journey upriver take forever.


And how did you get this workprint?

It's the nothing that makes us something; it's what we miss that hits the mark.


Long time no hear from. Video Screams has or had it for sale for $25. Unfortunately there are a number of problems with it such as missing scenes, photography needing work and an abrupt ending which gives you the impression Coppola didn't know how to end the movie. As I said, the journey upriver takes forever.

On the plus side, it includes the plantation scene, more footage of Brando and more time in the tiger cage for Sheen. I haven't seen it for some time, and my memory dims. Perhaps, as I said, someday they might find the original 5 hr verson of The Wild Bunch.

There's a company in Viriginia that sells soundtracks, often complete. I recently got The Alamo, Fall of The Roman Empire and The Wild Bunch. The Tiomkin scores were rerecorded in Prague some reason. Both The Alamo and The Wild Bunch contains three hours of music from the two films plus supplemental, deleted or alternate takes. The Alamo scores eiliminates Frankie Avalon, Marty Robbins and The Brothers 4 as well as Wayne's 2 speeches from the previous albums. I am big on Tiomkin, and they also have The Thing and Red River. Tiomkin later recycled some of the Red River music for Dean Martin's songs in Rio Bravo. Tiomnkin, by the way, turns up on an old Jack Benny episode late at night.

There's a curious flub in Rio Bravo. Somebody's conveniently holding Wayne's horse when he chases after two of John Russell's men.If I remember a comment on the commentary is the effect that "whoever thought a western starring Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson would become such a classic?"

Not much else new. My niece, who just got engaged last week, didn't really want to talk about her movie Welcome to Harlem. It played at the Apollo Theater 18 months ago, at some film festivals and U of Maryland but never seems to have any luck finding distribution.

I turned 71 yesterday. Aside from my family and hs classmates nobody believes I'm that old. I look at Carl Bernstein, who was a year behind me in high school, and I swear he looks older than me.

I see Steve Forrest, who was Dana Andrews' brother, died recently as well as Michael Caine's brother Stanley who had a very brief career of three movies. I caught the Caine's in The Italian Job last night. Entertaining with a literal cliffhanger ending. Interesting contrast of Michael Caine's Cockney accent with Noel Coward's upperclass one.


You are so full of information!

A 5 hour version of TWB; hmm. How could it be any better than what we know?

You have a niece who "loves" the movies. I wonder if she'll keep at it. If she has anything truly worthy of being said and shown, I think she'll not quit after one disaster.

I haven't been on Imdb much cuz I've been in a depressed mood. But now I'm starting to climb out of it.

It's the nothing that makes us something; it's what we miss that hits the mark.


Severe depression forced me to retire from my field auditor job with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. CPA's motto: In God we trust. All others we audiot." I tried accounting in the private sector but there seemed to be a prejudice. One company hired me to find $40,000 it could not account for, and another company was going down the tubes because its five sets of books were screwed up. Moral of the story: If you are going into business for yourself, it helps a GREAT deal to know something about accounting. notice the capitals.

To be continued.
