Awful accents

Never thought I'd see the day when I heard a worse English accent than Dick Van Dyke - the accolade now goes to Cary Grant

However did that bloke make a living from acting?

Half Irish, Half German - hated by all. But at least I'm not Welsh


You are aware that Grant was born in Bristol, England? And didn't come to the U.S. until he was 16? No, probably not. That would require some effort on your part to look things up.


rmh_228 » Mon Dec 9 2013 18:42:05
You are aware that Grant was born in Bristol, England? And didn't come to the U.S. until he was 16? No, probably not. That would require some effort on your part to look things up.

Well aren't you little miss perfect?



Grant was speaking his native tongue-in fact all the players with the exception of Jaffe do.
You must not be British-that or you have a tin ear.


Grant and McLaglen were British. Fairbanks was a 3rd generation American and his British accent was put on.


Well I'm British born and bred in London and my hearing's fine...

I can safely say that Grant has the worst accent out of the 3 leads. McLagen's and Faribanks Jr.'s are a bit off, although more forgiveable; but Grant's is easily the worst. In fairness to Grant it's better than his accent in Sylvia Scarlett.

You guys must be deluded Cary Grant fans if you think that his accent was good.


Regardless -it's still one of my favorite films


Yeah true, the film's pretty good and enjoyable; but Cary Grant annoys me at times in this one.

Admittedly he's not one of my favourite stars, but I like him in plenty of other films; I just found him a bit over the top at times.

As an aside on bad accents, I think having a bad accent doesn't stop you from giving a great performance, for example Bette Davis in Of Human Bondage.


Fairbanks's mother was British and he spent much of his childhood there. And where does anyone get off criticizing Grant's accent?
May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?
