Some interesting trivia

The voice of Dr. Zodiac is Gerald Mohr, a famous radio personality who played the part of Philip Marlowe in the detective series on the radio in the 40s. He had a great voice.


Thanks for that bit of info I am just about to watch the movie and as a Gerald Mohr fan I am glad to know this in advance.Thanks again


I thought the voice of Dr. Zodiac sounded familiar, but now that I know it was Gerald Mohr, I can't help but feel it was a bit of a "cheat", as the actor who played the "real" Dr. Zodiac WASN'T doing the voice!

I've enjoyed Gerald Mohr ever since I saw his LOST IN SPACE episode "A Visit To Hades" (one of my favorites from the 2nd season), and the 1967 FANTASTIC FOUR cartoons where he supplied the voice of Reed Richards. (I still hear his voice in my head whenever I read any F.F. comic-books.) More recently I managed to see him in several LONE WOLF movies, where he replaced the late Warren William.
