MovieChat Forums > The Cat and the Canary (1939) Discussion > Why didn't the housekeeper...[Spoile rs]

Why didn't the housekeeper...[Spoile rs]

The housekeeper obviously knew about the hidden passageways in the house so why didn't she immediately tell everyone about them when the executor went missing?


Great question.

She probably didn't know who to trust and, so, didn't trust anyone. She even took the bullets from the gun. That doesn't make sense, either, unless you consider that she doesn't trust anyone...


I'm still puzzled as to why the heroine gave away her inheritance to the person who put her in danger by removing the bullets from her gun. But then I still haven't figured out who killed the chauffeur in "the Big Sleep." First things first.


I'm not sure that she removed the bullets from the gun to deliberately put Joyce in danger. I think she took them out as a precaution due to the insanity angle - should Joyce be driven to insanity she would probably end up doing herself harm so if she finds the gun then there's a chance she could kill herself whilst of unsound mind. So Miss Lu, no doubt knowing more than she lets on, takes the bullets out as a way of saving her new mistress from an untimely end by her own hand. In a similar way, if a third party looking to kill Joyce should come across the gun then once again the removal of the bullets could be an indication of attempting to save rather than putting her at deliberate risk. Just a thought!


Did she give it away or just let her continue to run the place?

The woman did eventually save her life in a way by shooting the guy trying to kill her for the inheritance. I myself thought the housekeeper was plotting to get the inheritance too and the bullets thing is curious. Not really explained; comes off as a red herring. Maybe though the housekeeper wanted to kill the other guy all along & though the heroine would somehow interfere. Or, the gun might be taken by someone else. It's a bit unclear.


I think that the housekeeper looked upon the guests as intruders. She didn't want to share the house with anybody or it's secrets. All she seemed to want is to be left in the mansion alone with her spirit friends.


But were there really spirits? It would seem the housekeeper was more insane than anyone else there.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


I suppose that yet another view of Miss Lu might be taken. She may have been acting crafty rather than mad.

She could have been pretending with all that spooky spirit stuff to scare away the family. She then gets to keep the family mansion to do with what she will.


And why did she insist that Joyce was talking to herself when Crosby disappeared and tried to convince the folk that she's losing her marbles? Did she hope her name was in the second envelope?

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan
