The Grand Duchess Olga Katrina

My high school is putting this play on in two weeks time. I'm the Grand Duchess. We all watched to movie to see what it was like. Does anyone know why Olga was cut from the movie?

Im watchin u Ray waitin 4 the time when u wil b mine.

“Im ugly but Im still sexy.” ~STING



I was Kolenkhov in a community theatre production last year. Hope you're having as much fun with the show as I did. I have no idea why Olga was cut from the movie. She is a great role. Enjoy it, and break a leg!


THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN! All my friends want me to do the accent now. I dont know why I didn't do drama before this!

Im watchin u Ray waitin 4 the time when u wil b mine.

“Im ugly but Im still sexy.” ~STING


I just played her as well, last month. Personally I think she was cut from the movie because the movie had a much different focus than the show. Plus, the movie was long enough to begin with :)
But yeah, it was a really fun part to do, unlike anything I'd ever done. And DePinna and I had a lot of fun wiht our parts, if you know what I mean...


DePinna at my school is really creepy.

Jeremy "Waffle" Cohn, I LOVE YOU!

“Im ugly but Im still sexy.” ~STING


The drunk was cut too.


Yeah, Gay Wellington...good luck trying to get away with a name like that in this day and age.


"Do not be stingy with the blintzes!"

One of my all time favorite roles.
