MovieChat Forums > You Can't Take It with You (1938) Discussion > trivia Item about footage is mathematica...

trivia Item about footage is mathematically impossible

"A 1938 feature film usually ran to 8,000 feet of film. Frank Capra shot 329,000 feet for this one."

since 35mm basically runs at 90 feet/minute (depending on exact frame format), 8,000 feet (89 minutes) is a typical running time for a *completed* feature film of the era (1.5 hours). however, this does not include production demands like multiple takes of a shot or footage consumed during a take (i.e., the camera rolls before and after the desired action).

the final release print of this film runs about 126 minutes (or just over 11,000 feet).

so if, in fact, 329,000 feet of film was used during the shoot, it would reveal a "shooting ratio" (film shot compared to film used in the edit) of almost 29:1 (or roughly 29 takes per shot) which is also dubious... since there are other needs for film stock on a picture such as titles, rear-screen projections, matte effects, work-prints and so on.




you are not allowed to agree with yourself!


oh, okay.




I don't see how it's mathematically impossible at all. So what if the ratio is extraordinary? That doesn't make it impossible and for that matter, not even improbable.

Random Thoughts:


it is impossible for it to have matched the erroneous norm of "8,000 feet" used in production, i only stated that the high shooting ratio is questionable, not impossible.


Now and then I run across items in the trivia on a film that strike me as patently unbelievable. Also, some entries contradict other entries in the trivia for the same film. These blatant errors have caused me to view all the trivia entries dubiously.

In addition, many of the entries for goofs are not goofs at all, in my opinion. They are directorial choices for the sake of making a comedic or dramatic movie within the constraints imposed by the technology of the time or the desire to tell the story a certain way. To call them goofs is an expression by the poster of disagreement with the movie makers.

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