
I'd love to know what Mr Moto is actually saying when he is disguised in the gallery – he probably improvised the dialogue.


probably you won't be here any more. Its good German, Peter Lorre was from Austrian-Hungarian Empire.

He says:

Disguised Moto: "Can somebody of these scums tell me, how you can ask money for such stuff here - eh? This exhibition is an insult in the name of art! It makes me wanna puke!"
Man: "Uf you don't like it, please go!"
Moto "...because I wanted to see the work of young men. I will have a walk, maybe I will see something better!
Man: "But be quiet, otherwhise out! - Here," (gives him leaflet)
Moto "This is absolutely the most abominable, I have seen in my whole life! This is - These are the scribblings of a crazy child. Disgusting."
Moto: "Painting - wah - This is not a painting. This is despicable, disgusting. A kitsch (cheap trash)."
Moto "I show you something. This ist beautiful - eh!"

Disguised Moto: "Kann mir hier einer von diesen Dreckskerlen hier sagen, wie man für so ein Zeug hier Geld verlangen kann - He? This exhibition is an insult in the name of art! Zum Kotzen!"
Man: "Wenns Ihnen nicht gefällt, bitte gehen Sie"
Moto "...because I wanted to see the work of young men. Ich werd herumgehen, vielleich seh ich was Besseres!
Man: "Aber seien sie ruhig sonst raus mit Ihnen - Hier!" (gives him leaflet)
Moto "Das ist das überhaupt Scheußlichste, was ich in meinem ganzen Leben gesehen hab! Das ist ja, das sind die Kritzeleien (?voice not clear) von einem verrückten Kind. Widerlich."
Moto: "Painting - Wäh - Das is not a painting. Das ist ekelhaft, wiederlich. Ein Kitsch."
Moto "I show you something. Das ist beautiful - he?
